ABMT play and repeat (2024) Redeem Codes

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ABMT play and repeat
SDFP studio : Player looper for musician Strategy, Tips, and Tricks Media player with listen repeat mode, speed pitch change, backing track 4.1

ABMT play and repeat Free Premium & No Ads

AB Music Trainer is a free music and video player that lets you play / work on your favorite songs by repeating sections.
- Define loop sections to work on.
- As many sections / loops and markers as you want.
- Speed and pitch change on audio and video.
- Background playing audio and video.
- Support for lyrics lrc file format
- Easy to use while playing the instrument.
- Favorites for songs and folders.
- Simply and precisely adjust the markers and AB points for your loop.
- When you are ok on a loop / section, simply expand the section by selecting next loop / section and so on, you can this way work on larger loops / sections without editing.
- Live display on the 'time line' of the defined loop sections.
- For each loop, define your progress and its difficulty.

ABMT play and repeat Premiums, No Ads, and Gift Codes for PC, iOS and Android

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ABMT play and repeat

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