Lingualia - Learn languages (2024) Redeem Codes

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Lingualia - Learn languages
Lingualia Strategy, Tips, and Tricks Learn languages faster 🚀 with the help of AI. Try it now! 3.3

Lingualia - Learn languages Free Premium & No Ads

Lingualia is a new and revolutionary way to learn languages, it applies artificial intelligence to learn from you, your progress, your interests, your motivations or your available time. And with all this information it can adapt your learning to your unique needs.
Thanks to this intelligent personalization, with Lingualia you will progress much faster in your language learning.

It doesn't matter if you have 5 or 45 minutes a day.
Lingualia can adapt each language lesson to your schedule, and it is completely flexible.
This way you can concentrate on your language lessons in any place or time and for as long as you can.

It looks easy, and it is. With Lingualia you can learn languages almost without noticing, since it is designed to make it fun and increase your motivation to avoid giving up.

Contents of the language course adapt to each student interests, whether you like sports, music or art. Lingualia adapts its contents automatically to help you learn languages with the subjects that you like.

With Lingualia flat language courses, in which every student follows the same path, are over. Because Lingualia analyses and assesses each student's progress, and with this information, it personalises vocabulary, grammar and online exercises to the needs of each student.

Contents of the language course adapt automatically to each student's motivation, whether they want to learn languages to improve their professional career, find a better job or just to travel and get to know new places around the world.

Lingualia is available for iPhone, Android and in the web. And all platforms are sync, so you can dedicate 10 minutes in your home's computer, and then continue, exactly where you left it, with your mobile phone while you are in the bus or at the beach.

With Lingualia you can learn English or Spanish at all levels (initiate, beginner or advanced). All multimedia contents have been generated by our team of native teachers using the latest technologies.
+400 language lessons.
25000 audios to practice your pronunciation.
10000 vocabulary words.
Phonetics to help your pronunciation.
Hundreds of online exercises for language practice.
Review tool.
Conversations to help oral understanding.
Games (only in web version).

Lingualia is completely free, but you have the possibility to become Premium and enjoy extra contents and tools.

Lingualia - Learn languages Premiums, No Ads, and Gift Codes for PC, iOS and Android

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Lingualia - Learn languages

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